FAQs Plus

Health Network Collective (3)

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a prevalent global community concern in response to which, recently developed Direct Acting Antiviral Drugs (DAA’s) offer significant opportunity for not only cure of individuals, but elimination of HCV as a global public health threat.

In regard to this, one hundred and ninety-four countries have become signatories to the World Health Organisation (WHO) strategy for elimination of HCV by 2030. Nine countries are on track to this goal.

People who inject drugs (PWID) represent both the priority population most at risk of HCV infection and due to the illegal nature of injecting illicit drugs, a highly stigmatised and vulnerable population that is extremely hard to reach in terms of providing health care, including diagnosis and treatment of HCV.

A key resource to facilitate HCV treatment of PWID involves harnessing the peer workforce of those with lived and living experience of injecting. Peers, in this definition, have the advantage of being understood and accepted as frontline workers by PWID.

(in a nutshell – finding people who are infected is REALLY DIFFICULT!!?)             

Kaiawhina or peer-led HCV antibody Point of Care Testing (POCT), as part of general population screening, is largely an uncoordinated and unregulated exercise, spearheaded by people (kaiawhina / peers) with lived and living experience of HCV risk factors, including injecting illicit drugs.

Additionally, while this community of informally qualified practitioners is involved in peer-led POCT testing, their skills, knowledge and expertise are unrecognised, this leads to a disconnect between their practice and its positive outcomes, e.g., identifying HCV exposed wai ora (those seeking wellness), and subsequent integration with formalised diagnosis, treatment and cure.

This disconnect refers to the lack of an effective “handover from kaiawhina / peer testers to established systems impacting kaiawhina / peer relationship with wai ora through navigation of treatment, continuation of care and beyond.

To increase efficacy of “handover”, it is proposed to research and explore the following question:

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and facilitate their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technology (EDT) and associated technologies?

This research intended impact is to contribute to development of solutions to facilitate;

  • formalisation, recognition and transparency of skill or qualification
  • allowing kaiawhina / peers to be supported in maintaining contact and relationships with wai ora, to navigate them through their treatment and continuation of care
  • kaiawhina / peers being supportively engaged in enhancing predominately under resourced, under financed and over committed primary and secondary medical care systems

The successful implementation of the proposed improved handover would contribute to financial benefits, accessibility, and viability of widespread general population testing towards global 2030 elimination goals.

Link to survey here

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies. Survey Available Here

Methodology: Our model for development is based on Te Whare Tapa Whā, chosen for the grounded and community approach to this problem.  A holistic model of health that describes health as a wharenui (meeting house) with the four walls representing taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), taha tinana (physical wellbeing) and taha whānau (family and social wellbeing). The main research question was applied to these four components and 33 sub versions extrapolated for survey to reflect: EDT applications, formalisation & recognition of qualification; Rangatiratanga Raraunga (Data sovereignty); management of test by-products; religious, ethnic and cultural impacts; and long-term benefits. On analysis the questions have been grouped back into the 4 main sub questions for reporting.

Live analysis available at analysis

Taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing)

Through leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improving the spiritual wellbeing of kaiawhina / peers, wai ora, whanau and the respective relationships.

Taha hinengaro (mental & emotional wellbeing)

In enabling enduring relationships and continuity of care through treatment and beyond with leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improved mental and emotional wellbeing.


Taha tinana (physical wellbeing)

Will access from leveraging EDT and associated technologies for widespread testing improve long term outcomes, reduce primary and secondary care needs, realise financial benefits, and prolong life expectancies of HCV affected whai ora.

Taha whanau (family & social wellbeing)

Will leveraging EDT and associated technologies improve whanau, kaiawhina / peer and wai ora relationships, access to health, whanau-based health interventions and conversations around health & lifestyle.

Health Network Collective are undertaking a Masters (Technological Futures) Research Survey looking at how emerging technologies can support kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce with community-based Hepatitis C (HCV) Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care, and navigating to possible cure through a supported systemized approach. The survey is available at survey, with live analysis available at analysis

The anonymized survey, based on Te Whare Tapa Whā modelling, is online and of 10-15 minutes duration. 

The survey consists of one main question, with four supporting questions, extrapolated to thirty three sub questions for the survey. The main question being; –

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies.

URL’s if required

Point of Care Test (POCT) (3)

Our Health Network Collective R&D partner, HooperNewton.com, are developing an online micro-credential for Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care and navigating treatment to possible cure and beyond. This is designed for our Kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce.

Designed from thematic analysis (click link for live view of survey analysis) of Masters level research and survey (click survey link for survey) the 50 hour course of 6 sections and 42 lessons includes medical ethics, social responsibilities, personal safety, patient rights, basic hygiene, procedures and more. Our thematic analysis suggested that non-regulated work force, and many kaiawhina and peers, had limited awareness of such subjects in sufficient detail. In the interest of  our communities, and the individuals and organisations Health Network Collective intends to engage with and enable: we decided a more comprehensive approach to training would benefit all and assist in meeting legal, ethical and moral requirements globally. Health Network Collective is in the process to gain New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) equivalency endorsement for this micro-credential.

Developing Curriculum

  • Section 1. Overview, Learning Agreement

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) overview, obligations and expectations. Universal Declarations (United Nations), medical ethics (four pillars), neutralities, collaborative working in our community

  • Section 2. People Centered Practice And Personal Safety

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Medical in Confidence, medical ethics (patient self-determination), behavior and personal safety, it is ok to ask for help, referrals 

  • Section 3. Hepatitis C (HCV)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Hepatitis C (HCV) clinical conversational level awareness and education

  • Section 4. Basic Hygiene

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Basic Hygiene, Five moments of hand hygiene, PPE, contamination, waste and more

  • Section 5. Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Conducting an Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT). procedure, process, Health Network Collective technology and linking to care

  • Section 6. Administration

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Administration. Communications, recertification, courses, logistics, support

About us Analysis Charitable Trust Charity Coming Soon Contact course development education HCV test Health Network Collective HealthNetworkCollective HooperNewton.com LMS Masters Micro-Credential Mobile Application MTF NZQA POCT point of care test R&D Research and Development Survey technology testing training Who we are

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies. Survey Available Here

Methodology: Our model for development is based on Te Whare Tapa Whā, chosen for the grounded and community approach to this problem.  A holistic model of health that describes health as a wharenui (meeting house) with the four walls representing taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), taha tinana (physical wellbeing) and taha whānau (family and social wellbeing). The main research question was applied to these four components and 33 sub versions extrapolated for survey to reflect: EDT applications, formalisation & recognition of qualification; Rangatiratanga Raraunga (Data sovereignty); management of test by-products; religious, ethnic and cultural impacts; and long-term benefits. On analysis the questions have been grouped back into the 4 main sub questions for reporting.

Live analysis available at analysis

Taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing)

Through leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improving the spiritual wellbeing of kaiawhina / peers, wai ora, whanau and the respective relationships.

Taha hinengaro (mental & emotional wellbeing)

In enabling enduring relationships and continuity of care through treatment and beyond with leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improved mental and emotional wellbeing.


Taha tinana (physical wellbeing)

Will access from leveraging EDT and associated technologies for widespread testing improve long term outcomes, reduce primary and secondary care needs, realise financial benefits, and prolong life expectancies of HCV affected whai ora.

Taha whanau (family & social wellbeing)

Will leveraging EDT and associated technologies improve whanau, kaiawhina / peer and wai ora relationships, access to health, whanau-based health interventions and conversations around health & lifestyle.

Our mobile application, designed as an integral part of Health Network Collective systemised approach to enabling non-regulated workforce testing, linking to care and navigation for possible cure, is well underway. By enabling remote antibody Point of Care Testing (POCT) Health Network Collective can potentially reduce the number of persons requiring the more expensive and time consuming quantitative RNA PCR type tests. And, with heat mapping generated by use of the application, we can streamline efficiency and placement of mobile RNA PCR testing units and staff. Plus enabling cost effective initial population wide screening and promoting accessibility to health care.

Having our wai ora (persons seeking care) having access to their own information via their version of the application will enable continuity in navigating care with wai ora and kaiawhina (or peer) communications and information sharing via the application. And of course, the vital link to care.

HooperNewton.com retain ownership, R&D and management of Intellectual Properties and product for 100% charitable delivery to Health Network Collective for our communities.

About us Analysis Charitable Trust Charity Coming Soon Contact course development education HCV test Health Network Collective HealthNetworkCollective HooperNewton.com LMS Masters Micro-Credential Mobile Application MTF NZQA POCT point of care test R&D Research and Development Survey technology testing training Who we are

Research and Development (5)

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a prevalent global community concern in response to which, recently developed Direct Acting Antiviral Drugs (DAA’s) offer significant opportunity for not only cure of individuals, but elimination of HCV as a global public health threat.

In regard to this, one hundred and ninety-four countries have become signatories to the World Health Organisation (WHO) strategy for elimination of HCV by 2030. Nine countries are on track to this goal.

People who inject drugs (PWID) represent both the priority population most at risk of HCV infection and due to the illegal nature of injecting illicit drugs, a highly stigmatised and vulnerable population that is extremely hard to reach in terms of providing health care, including diagnosis and treatment of HCV.

A key resource to facilitate HCV treatment of PWID involves harnessing the peer workforce of those with lived and living experience of injecting. Peers, in this definition, have the advantage of being understood and accepted as frontline workers by PWID.

(in a nutshell – finding people who are infected is REALLY DIFFICULT!!?)             

Kaiawhina or peer-led HCV antibody Point of Care Testing (POCT), as part of general population screening, is largely an uncoordinated and unregulated exercise, spearheaded by people (kaiawhina / peers) with lived and living experience of HCV risk factors, including injecting illicit drugs.

Additionally, while this community of informally qualified practitioners is involved in peer-led POCT testing, their skills, knowledge and expertise are unrecognised, this leads to a disconnect between their practice and its positive outcomes, e.g., identifying HCV exposed wai ora (those seeking wellness), and subsequent integration with formalised diagnosis, treatment and cure.

This disconnect refers to the lack of an effective “handover from kaiawhina / peer testers to established systems impacting kaiawhina / peer relationship with wai ora through navigation of treatment, continuation of care and beyond.

To increase efficacy of “handover”, it is proposed to research and explore the following question:

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and facilitate their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technology (EDT) and associated technologies?

This research intended impact is to contribute to development of solutions to facilitate;

  • formalisation, recognition and transparency of skill or qualification
  • allowing kaiawhina / peers to be supported in maintaining contact and relationships with wai ora, to navigate them through their treatment and continuation of care
  • kaiawhina / peers being supportively engaged in enhancing predominately under resourced, under financed and over committed primary and secondary medical care systems

The successful implementation of the proposed improved handover would contribute to financial benefits, accessibility, and viability of widespread general population testing towards global 2030 elimination goals.

Link to survey here

Our Health Network Collective R&D partner, HooperNewton.com, are developing an online micro-credential for Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care and navigating treatment to possible cure and beyond. This is designed for our Kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce.

Designed from thematic analysis (click link for live view of survey analysis) of Masters level research and survey (click survey link for survey) the 50 hour course of 6 sections and 42 lessons includes medical ethics, social responsibilities, personal safety, patient rights, basic hygiene, procedures and more. Our thematic analysis suggested that non-regulated work force, and many kaiawhina and peers, had limited awareness of such subjects in sufficient detail. In the interest of  our communities, and the individuals and organisations Health Network Collective intends to engage with and enable: we decided a more comprehensive approach to training would benefit all and assist in meeting legal, ethical and moral requirements globally. Health Network Collective is in the process to gain New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) equivalency endorsement for this micro-credential.

Developing Curriculum

  • Section 1. Overview, Learning Agreement

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) overview, obligations and expectations. Universal Declarations (United Nations), medical ethics (four pillars), neutralities, collaborative working in our community

  • Section 2. People Centered Practice And Personal Safety

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Medical in Confidence, medical ethics (patient self-determination), behavior and personal safety, it is ok to ask for help, referrals 

  • Section 3. Hepatitis C (HCV)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Hepatitis C (HCV) clinical conversational level awareness and education

  • Section 4. Basic Hygiene

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Basic Hygiene, Five moments of hand hygiene, PPE, contamination, waste and more

  • Section 5. Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Conducting an Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT). procedure, process, Health Network Collective technology and linking to care

  • Section 6. Administration

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Administration. Communications, recertification, courses, logistics, support

About us Analysis Charitable Trust Charity Coming Soon Contact course development education HCV test Health Network Collective HealthNetworkCollective HooperNewton.com LMS Masters Micro-Credential Mobile Application MTF NZQA POCT point of care test R&D Research and Development Survey technology testing training Who we are

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies. Survey Available Here

Methodology: Our model for development is based on Te Whare Tapa Whā, chosen for the grounded and community approach to this problem.  A holistic model of health that describes health as a wharenui (meeting house) with the four walls representing taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), taha tinana (physical wellbeing) and taha whānau (family and social wellbeing). The main research question was applied to these four components and 33 sub versions extrapolated for survey to reflect: EDT applications, formalisation & recognition of qualification; Rangatiratanga Raraunga (Data sovereignty); management of test by-products; religious, ethnic and cultural impacts; and long-term benefits. On analysis the questions have been grouped back into the 4 main sub questions for reporting.

Live analysis available at analysis

Taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing)

Through leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improving the spiritual wellbeing of kaiawhina / peers, wai ora, whanau and the respective relationships.

Taha hinengaro (mental & emotional wellbeing)

In enabling enduring relationships and continuity of care through treatment and beyond with leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improved mental and emotional wellbeing.


Taha tinana (physical wellbeing)

Will access from leveraging EDT and associated technologies for widespread testing improve long term outcomes, reduce primary and secondary care needs, realise financial benefits, and prolong life expectancies of HCV affected whai ora.

Taha whanau (family & social wellbeing)

Will leveraging EDT and associated technologies improve whanau, kaiawhina / peer and wai ora relationships, access to health, whanau-based health interventions and conversations around health & lifestyle.

Our mobile application, designed as an integral part of Health Network Collective systemised approach to enabling non-regulated workforce testing, linking to care and navigation for possible cure, is well underway. By enabling remote antibody Point of Care Testing (POCT) Health Network Collective can potentially reduce the number of persons requiring the more expensive and time consuming quantitative RNA PCR type tests. And, with heat mapping generated by use of the application, we can streamline efficiency and placement of mobile RNA PCR testing units and staff. Plus enabling cost effective initial population wide screening and promoting accessibility to health care.

Having our wai ora (persons seeking care) having access to their own information via their version of the application will enable continuity in navigating care with wai ora and kaiawhina (or peer) communications and information sharing via the application. And of course, the vital link to care.

HooperNewton.com retain ownership, R&D and management of Intellectual Properties and product for 100% charitable delivery to Health Network Collective for our communities.

About us Analysis Charitable Trust Charity Coming Soon Contact course development education HCV test Health Network Collective HealthNetworkCollective HooperNewton.com LMS Masters Micro-Credential Mobile Application MTF NZQA POCT point of care test R&D Research and Development Survey technology testing training Who we are

Health Network Collective are undertaking a Masters (Technological Futures) Research Survey looking at how emerging technologies can support kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce with community-based Hepatitis C (HCV) Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care, and navigating to possible cure through a supported systemized approach. The survey is available at survey, with live analysis available at analysis

The anonymized survey, based on Te Whare Tapa Whā modelling, is online and of 10-15 minutes duration. 

The survey consists of one main question, with four supporting questions, extrapolated to thirty three sub questions for the survey. The main question being; –

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies.

URL’s if required

Survey (3)

Our Health Network Collective R&D partner, HooperNewton.com, are developing an online micro-credential for Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care and navigating treatment to possible cure and beyond. This is designed for our Kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce.

Designed from thematic analysis (click link for live view of survey analysis) of Masters level research and survey (click survey link for survey) the 50 hour course of 6 sections and 42 lessons includes medical ethics, social responsibilities, personal safety, patient rights, basic hygiene, procedures and more. Our thematic analysis suggested that non-regulated work force, and many kaiawhina and peers, had limited awareness of such subjects in sufficient detail. In the interest of  our communities, and the individuals and organisations Health Network Collective intends to engage with and enable: we decided a more comprehensive approach to training would benefit all and assist in meeting legal, ethical and moral requirements globally. Health Network Collective is in the process to gain New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) equivalency endorsement for this micro-credential.

Developing Curriculum

  • Section 1. Overview, Learning Agreement

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) overview, obligations and expectations. Universal Declarations (United Nations), medical ethics (four pillars), neutralities, collaborative working in our community

  • Section 2. People Centered Practice And Personal Safety

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Medical in Confidence, medical ethics (patient self-determination), behavior and personal safety, it is ok to ask for help, referrals 

  • Section 3. Hepatitis C (HCV)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Hepatitis C (HCV) clinical conversational level awareness and education

  • Section 4. Basic Hygiene

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Basic Hygiene, Five moments of hand hygiene, PPE, contamination, waste and more

  • Section 5. Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Conducting an Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT). procedure, process, Health Network Collective technology and linking to care

  • Section 6. Administration

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Administration. Communications, recertification, courses, logistics, support

About us Analysis Charitable Trust Charity Coming Soon Contact course development education HCV test Health Network Collective HealthNetworkCollective HooperNewton.com LMS Masters Micro-Credential Mobile Application MTF NZQA POCT point of care test R&D Research and Development Survey technology testing training Who we are

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies. Survey Available Here

Methodology: Our model for development is based on Te Whare Tapa Whā, chosen for the grounded and community approach to this problem.  A holistic model of health that describes health as a wharenui (meeting house) with the four walls representing taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), taha tinana (physical wellbeing) and taha whānau (family and social wellbeing). The main research question was applied to these four components and 33 sub versions extrapolated for survey to reflect: EDT applications, formalisation & recognition of qualification; Rangatiratanga Raraunga (Data sovereignty); management of test by-products; religious, ethnic and cultural impacts; and long-term benefits. On analysis the questions have been grouped back into the 4 main sub questions for reporting.

Live analysis available at analysis

Taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing)

Through leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improving the spiritual wellbeing of kaiawhina / peers, wai ora, whanau and the respective relationships.

Taha hinengaro (mental & emotional wellbeing)

In enabling enduring relationships and continuity of care through treatment and beyond with leveraging EDT and associated technologies, can we contribute to improved mental and emotional wellbeing.


Taha tinana (physical wellbeing)

Will access from leveraging EDT and associated technologies for widespread testing improve long term outcomes, reduce primary and secondary care needs, realise financial benefits, and prolong life expectancies of HCV affected whai ora.

Taha whanau (family & social wellbeing)

Will leveraging EDT and associated technologies improve whanau, kaiawhina / peer and wai ora relationships, access to health, whanau-based health interventions and conversations around health & lifestyle.

Health Network Collective are undertaking a Masters (Technological Futures) Research Survey looking at how emerging technologies can support kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce with community-based Hepatitis C (HCV) Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care, and navigating to possible cure through a supported systemized approach. The survey is available at survey, with live analysis available at analysis

The anonymized survey, based on Te Whare Tapa Whā modelling, is online and of 10-15 minutes duration. 

The survey consists of one main question, with four supporting questions, extrapolated to thirty three sub questions for the survey. The main question being; –

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies.

URL’s if required