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Our Health Network Collective R&D partner, HooperNewton.com, are developing an online micro-credential for Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care and navigating treatment to possible cure and beyond. This is designed for our Kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce.

Designed from thematic analysis (click link for live view of survey analysis) of Masters level research and survey (click survey link for survey) the 50 hour course of 6 sections and 42 lessons includes medical ethics, social responsibilities, personal safety, patient rights, basic hygiene, procedures and more. Our thematic analysis suggested that non-regulated work force, and many kaiawhina and peers, had limited awareness of such subjects in sufficient detail. In the interest of  our communities, and the individuals and organisations Health Network Collective intends to engage with and enable: we decided a more comprehensive approach to training would benefit all and assist in meeting legal, ethical and moral requirements globally. Health Network Collective is in the process to gain New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) equivalency endorsement for this micro-credential.

Developing Curriculum

  • Section 1. Overview, Learning Agreement

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) overview, obligations and expectations. Universal Declarations (United Nations), medical ethics (four pillars), neutralities, collaborative working in our community

  • Section 2. People Centered Practice And Personal Safety

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Medical in Confidence, medical ethics (patient self-determination), behavior and personal safety, it is ok to ask for help, referrals 

  • Section 3. Hepatitis C (HCV)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Hepatitis C (HCV) clinical conversational level awareness and education

  • Section 4. Basic Hygiene

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Basic Hygiene, Five moments of hand hygiene, PPE, contamination, waste and more

  • Section 5. Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Conducting an Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT). procedure, process, Health Network Collective technology and linking to care

  • Section 6. Administration

    Health Network Collective and Point of Care Testing (POCT) Administration. Communications, recertification, courses, logistics, support

About us Analysis Charitable Trust Charity Coming Soon Contact course development education HCV test Health Network Collective HealthNetworkCollective HooperNewton.com LMS Masters Micro-Credential Mobile Application MTF NZQA POCT point of care test R&D Research and Development Survey technology testing training Who we are