2025: we will be launching free online training and solutions (a mobile app) allowing anyone who qualifies to screen their whanau, family, friends & community for Hepatitis C, link them to care and help navigate to possible cure
Aotearoa has somewhere between 35 – 50,000 kiwis who don’t know they have Hepatitis C (HCV). Health Network Collective provides training in screening, testing and links to care for anyone, regardless of skill or qualification. Allowing kaiawhina / peers to be supported in maintaining contact and relationships with wai ora (those seeking health), to navigate them through their treatment and continuation of care. (97% plus treatment success rate in 8 weeks)
Our Membership (free membership) courses
free self-help quizzes, no membership needed
✔ Lessons
Multimedia lessons so you can learn the key ideas, strategies and tactics fast
✔ Self Paced
You set your own pace and your own style
✔ Community
A community of peers that totally “get” you and can support you on the way

Kaiawhina or peer-led HCV antibody Point of Care Testing (POCT) is largely an uncoordinated and unregulated exercise, largely by people with lived & living experience of HCV including injecting illicit drugs. Their skills, knowledge and expertise are unrecognised, leading to a disconnect between practice and positive outcomes, e.g., identifying HCV exposed wai ora (those seeking wellness), and integration with diagnosis, treatment and cure. We can change that.

Our 3 Pillars To Help Better Communities

Discover the core principles Health Network Collective apply to the “How Why & Where” of what we do, how we do that collectively as people, and collaboratively as community.

Learn insights and strategy for collaborative engagement in our communities, forming relationships with other organization’s and people working to common goals.

Get the skills and systematic tools to enable our collective improvement in Universal Health Access and reducing the global burden of prevalent community conditions.
Built on trusted sources and collaborations
Supportively engaging in enhancing predominately under resourced, under financed and over committed primary and secondary medical care systems. Contribute to financial benefits, accessibility, and viability of widespread general population testing towards World Health Organization (WHO) global 2030 elimination goals

International Non Governmental Organisations (INGO’s), Humanitarian Teams, emergency response teams; this simple concept could enhance your teams ability to support health access and health care(s) to the populations communities people and programs your supporting with direct action, or introducing local resource & assets to the program and training,
Anyone and everyone, sit the Health Network Collective Point of Care (POCT) course and pass, you can step out into your community and create another level of access to health care. Not only screening for HCV and other community prevalent conditions, also contributing to destigmatising the social and personal stigma’s associated with many conditions lifestyles and habits.