FAQs Plus

Am I at risk of HCV (2)

If you do develop symptoms from acute infection, the average time from exposure to symptoms ranges from 1 to 12 weeks after becoming infected, while others will experience them 6 months later. In some cases, people can live with hep C for years, and that could be lifetime, before they experience any symptoms at all… Even without symptoms, a person with hep C can still spread the virus to others.

If you’re at risk for hep C (HCV), and have experienced any of the symptoms listed below, speak with your healthcare professional and ask if you should be tested. Or see one of our Health Network Collective Testers.

  • Lethargy, fatigue, feeling tired
  • Loss of appetitie
  • Stomach pain(s)
  • Nausea
  • Joint pain
  • Dark urine
  • Pale poo or pale bowel movements
  • Jaundice, yellow whites of the eyes and sometime skin.
  • And any history of at risk activities, see Am I at Risk
  • If you received a blood transfusion or donated organ prior to 1992
  • Taking drugs through a needle (injecting), even just once
  • Receiving tattoos or piercings, mainly from unlicensed studios or from unsterile practice
  • Historic health care in Eastern Europe, Russia, Egypt or North Africa, India or Pakistan
  • Your mother or another household member has HCV

Less Common

  • Have you ever spent time in prison, (especially prison tattoos)
  • Sexual practices that can could cause exposure to blood (such as anal sex)
  • Sharing personal items such as toothbrushes and razors
  • Snorting drugs (use of straws and other shared means to snort)

Hepatitis C Signs & Symptoms (1)

If you do develop symptoms from acute infection, the average time from exposure to symptoms ranges from 1 to 12 weeks after becoming infected, while others will experience them 6 months later. In some cases, people can live with hep C for years, and that could be lifetime, before they experience any symptoms at all… Even without symptoms, a person with hep C can still spread the virus to others.

If you’re at risk for hep C (HCV), and have experienced any of the symptoms listed below, speak with your healthcare professional and ask if you should be tested. Or see one of our Health Network Collective Testers.

  • Lethargy, fatigue, feeling tired
  • Loss of appetitie
  • Stomach pain(s)
  • Nausea
  • Joint pain
  • Dark urine
  • Pale poo or pale bowel movements
  • Jaundice, yellow whites of the eyes and sometime skin.
  • And any history of at risk activities, see Am I at Risk

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) (2)

If you do develop symptoms from acute infection, the average time from exposure to symptoms ranges from 1 to 12 weeks after becoming infected, while others will experience them 6 months later. In some cases, people can live with hep C for years, and that could be lifetime, before they experience any symptoms at all… Even without symptoms, a person with hep C can still spread the virus to others.

If you’re at risk for hep C (HCV), and have experienced any of the symptoms listed below, speak with your healthcare professional and ask if you should be tested. Or see one of our Health Network Collective Testers.

  • Lethargy, fatigue, feeling tired
  • Loss of appetitie
  • Stomach pain(s)
  • Nausea
  • Joint pain
  • Dark urine
  • Pale poo or pale bowel movements
  • Jaundice, yellow whites of the eyes and sometime skin.
  • And any history of at risk activities, see Am I at Risk
  • If you received a blood transfusion or donated organ prior to 1992
  • Taking drugs through a needle (injecting), even just once
  • Receiving tattoos or piercings, mainly from unlicensed studios or from unsterile practice
  • Historic health care in Eastern Europe, Russia, Egypt or North Africa, India or Pakistan
  • Your mother or another household member has HCV

Less Common

  • Have you ever spent time in prison, (especially prison tattoos)
  • Sexual practices that can could cause exposure to blood (such as anal sex)
  • Sharing personal items such as toothbrushes and razors
  • Snorting drugs (use of straws and other shared means to snort)