Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a prevalent global community concern in response to which, recently developed Direct Acting Antiviral Drugs (DAA’s) offer significant opportunity for not only cure of individuals, but elimination of HCV as a global public health threat. In regard to this, one hundred and ninety-four countries have become signatories to the […]
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Live Survey Analysis
How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies. Survey Available Here Methodology: Our model for development is based on Te Whare Tapa Whā, chosen for the grounded and community approach to this problem. A holistic model […]
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Health Network Collective are undertaking a Masters (Technological Futures) Research Survey looking at how emerging technologies can support kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce with community-based Hepatitis C (HCV) Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care, and navigating to possible cure through a supported systemized approach. The survey is available at survey, with live analysis available […]
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