How often should I get a test

We encourage everyone to get at least one test in their lifetime, and sooner rather than later. If you are engaged in any at risk activity we recommend you get tested every 6 months to yearly. Such activities include sharing drug taking equipment (including utensils used for snorting drugs), unprotected sexual activities with multiple or […]

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What is an RNA PCR test

A Hepatitis C RNA test (sometimes called a PCR test), is a laboratory based test using either a large “finger prick” sample of blood or venous blood sample detecting whether the Hepatitis C virus is present in the blood stream or not. A positive test indicates the virus is present and indicates treatment is required. […]

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What is a Hepatitis C (HCV) antibody POCT test?

An HCV antibody Point of Care (POCT) test is a finger prick test that takes a drop of your blood and mixes with a reagent on a small cassette. The result, positive or negative, is available in as little as 5 minutes on the spot. The test is looking for antibodies to the Hepatitis C […]

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