
We take our design process seriously, our current master’s level research drawing from reputable academic and global expert knowledge sources. With assistance from our developer team at we are developing fantastic product(s) for meeting growing market needs; and to empower communities access to health and enhanced support of current medical systems. And of course, […]

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My Why

A picture paints a thousand words… the stolen art represents many things I’ve done, place’s I’ve been and sights I’ve seen. I want to be part of effecting positive change, adding value and leaving a legacy of good. Designing solutions for identified market problems in search of a product scalable to global application for community […]

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Abstract, Masters Research Proposal

Abstract Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a prevalent global community concern in response to which, recently developed Direct Acting Antiviral Drugs (DAA’s) offer significant opportunity for not only cure of individuals, but elimination of HCV as a global public health threat. In regard to this, one hundred and ninety-four countries have become signatories to […]

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Learning Management System (LMS) R&D

Our Health Network Collective R&D partner,, are developing an online micro-credential for Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care and navigating treatment to possible cure and beyond. This is designed for our Kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce. Designed from thematic analysis (click link for live view of survey analysis) of Masters level research […]

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