
We take our design process seriously, our current master’s level research drawing from reputable academic and global expert knowledge sources. With assistance from our developer team at we are developing fantastic product(s) for meeting growing market needs; and to empower communities access to health and enhanced support of current medical systems. And of course, […]

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My Why

A picture paints a thousand words… the stolen art represents many things I’ve done, place’s I’ve been and sights I’ve seen. I want to be part of effecting positive change, adding value and leaving a legacy of good. Designing solutions for identified market problems in search of a product scalable to global application for community […]

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About us

The Health Network Collective logo, reflecting hapuri (community) and te aronga o te whanau (family centered approach) The chosen model for development is based on Te Whare Tapa Whā.  A holistic model of health that describes health as a wharenui/meeting house with four walls. These walls represent taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), taha tinana (physical wellbeing) and taha whānau (family and social wellbeing) Kua roa rawa matou ki […]

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Charitable Trust Deed for Health Network Collective

Charitable Trust Deed for Health Network Collective THIS DEED is made the 29th day of November 2023 BETWEEN Name                                       Address                                  Occupation Please contact us for trustee details WHEREAS: The parties to this Deed wish to establish a charitable trust (in this Deed referred to as “the Trust”) for the purposes described in Clause 3 […]

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