Masters Survey: HCV, POCT, Technology

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies.

Health Network Collective are undertaking a Masters (Technological Futures) Research Survey looking at how emerging technologies can support kaiawhina, peers and non-regulated workforce with community-based Hepatitis C (HCV) Point of Care Testing (POCT), linking to care, and navigating to possible cure through a supported systemized approach. The survey is available at survey, with live analysis available at analysis


The anonymized survey, based on Te Whare Tapa Whā modelling, is online and of 10-15 minutes duration.

The survey consists of one main question, with four supporting questions, extrapolated to thirty three sub questions for the survey. The main question being; –

How can we improve efficacy of an informally qualified community of testers and their structured inclusion in established systems through leveraging Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDT) and associated technologies.

Survey click here

Ethics online Research & Consent Forms and information click here

Posted in Health Network Collective, R&D, Research and Development, Technology and tagged , , , , , , , .