we enhance and support local, regional and national viral hepatitis elimination initiatives by providing free training and technology solutions to non-regulated workforce and others for population wide testing and linking to care.

Providing equitable access to HCV testing and links to treatment enabling and empowering our communities in providing health access by friendly faces from familiar places

Training in testing for anyone, regardless of skill or qualification

Allowing kaiawhina / peers to be supported in maintaining contact and relationships with wai ora (those seeking health), to navigate them through their treatment and continuation of care

Supportively engaging in enhancing predominately under resourced, under financed and over committed primary and secondary medical care systems

Contribute to financial benefits, accessibility, and viability of widespread general population testing towards World Health Organization (WHO) global 2030 elimination goals

Combining 50 hours of online theory with real world practical application in Hepatitis C (HCV) Point of Care Testing (POCT), our course brings the ability to enable population wide antibody testing, screening of those in need, linking to treatment and navigation to possible cure.

Built on trusted & reputable sources of information!

Center for Disease Analysis Foundation

Are you ready to transform how we, as community, can help our communities?

Before Your Course

Kaiawhina or peer-led HCV antibody Point of Care Testing (POCT), as part of general population screening, is largely an uncoordinated and unregulated exercise, spearheaded by people with lived and living experience of HCV risk factors, including injecting illicit drugs.

Additionally, while this community of informally qualified practitioners is involved in peer-led POCT testing, their skills, knowledge and expertise are unrecognised, this leads to a disconnect between practice and positive outcomes, e.g., identifying HCV exposed wai ora (those seeking wellness), and subsequent integration with formalised diagnosis, treatment and cure.

After Your Course

Formalisation, recognition and transparency of your skill or qualification, possibly new skills.

Improved support in maintaining contact and relationships with your wai ora, to navigate them through their treatment and continuation of care

Supportively engaging you in enhancing and supporting predominately under resourced, under financed and over committed primary and secondary medical care systems

Your contribution to financial benefits, accessibility, and viability of widespread general population testing towards global 2030 elimination goals.

Recent research quotes supporting why a community & population wide approach is important…

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Universal access to health coverage means all people should have access to the full range of quality services they need – irrespective of who they are, where they are born, or the nature of their health condition.”

Marshall A, (2024)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Elimination of disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) will have immense benefits worldwide. Currently, the estimated 58 million persons living with HCV face an early death from progressive liver damage, liver failure, and liver cancer caused by this infection.”

Cui F, Blach S, Manzengo Mingiedi C, et al (2023)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Modeling suggests that HCV elimination would lead to a gain of 26.4 million healthy years and productivity increases valued at US $46.1 billion.

WHO (2021)

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Investments in HCV elimination would be cost-saving within ten years of starting an effective HCV elimination program. As a result, the net economic global benefit of HCV elimination would be US $22.7 billion by 2030.”

Scott, N. Et al (2020)
  1. Access to curative hepatitis C treatments depends on where you live. Dr Alison Marshall, Kirby Insititute.
  2. Cui F, Blach S, Manzengo Mingiedi C, et al (2023). Global reporting of progress towards elimination of hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Accessed Mar 2024. Available from: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(22)00386-7/abstract 
  3. World Health Organization (2021). Global progress report on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, 2021. Accessed Mar 2024. Available from: https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/341412/9789240027077-eng.pdf?sequence=1
  4. Scott, N. Et al (2020). A model of the economic benefits of global hepatitis C elimination: an investment case. Accessed Mar 2024. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-1253(20)30008-X 

The Course Combines 3 Pillars To Unlock The Benefits


Discover the core principles Health Network Collective apply to the “How Why & Where” of what we do, how we do that collectively as people, and collaboratively as community.


Learn insights and strategy for collaborative engagement in our communities, forming relationships with other organization’s and people while working to common goals.


Get the skills and systematic tools to enable our collective improvement in Universal Health Access and reducing the global burden of prevalent community conditions.

How It Works

Here’s what you get when you join the Health Network Collective Point of Care Testing (POCT) course.

✔ Lessons

Multimedia lessons so you can learn the key ideas, strategies and tactics fast

✔ Self Paced

Even if you have not taken an online course prior, you set your pace and your style


A community of peers that totally “get” you and can support you on the way

Course Curriculum

Become a Better You

We help individuals, organizations, and more achieve their goals. Here’s an overview of the primary students this course serves.

The Global Population

Contributing to WHO 2030 Global Elimination Goals

Peers, Social Workers

Anyone working with our Marginalized & Disadvantaged People

Non-Governmental Organizations

Enhancing ability to support health access and health care(s)

Meet Your Instructor

Health Network Collective

Following our personal development after life trauma’s and drama’s, we wished to create positive change and improvements in the world we live in. Undertaking a Masters in Technological Futures and using the resulting masters research analysis, with our collective life experience, we created this charitable entity, Health Network Collective.

Our superpowers come from healthy living routine’s, empath personality type’s, and 100% commitment to creating the world we want to live in. We live and breathe helping and happiness.

We love travel, great food and making positive change. Our experience includes remote administration, domestic and international humanitarian & NGO experience, managing national health programs, international consulting plus much much more.

We have been there and done that. We are here to accelerate your progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it work for me?

If you are serious, and ready to put some effort into it, then very likely yes. This is designed for beginners!

When does the course start and finish?

This course is “evergreen” and self-paced, which means you can enroll and begin at any time.

What do I do if I need help?

Message your peers using the built in messenger, or contact us.

Our health system is interested in implementing the program?

Our consultancy partner, HooperNewton.com can facilitate implementation at any level.

What is the cost?

100% Free, you will never be charged.

When will I get access to the course?

After checkout, you will get full, instant access immediately.

If I qualify can I start testing?

Yes! However dependent on if this service is available in your country.

My organization is interested?

Please reach out and contact us, we can help get you started.

Can this be implemented nationally?

Absolutely yes, our consultancy partner team at HooperNewton.com can assist with full implementation.

More FAQ’s available here

HealthNetworkCollective a Charitable Trust Incorporated in New Zealand: 50195073 NZBN: 9429051803476